Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Win a trip to NZ!

Yep, it's strange but true. For all those who have wanted to visit but haven't yet had the chance, this is for you. By clicking on the below You Tube link, you could win an expenses paid trip for two to New Zealand!

And if that weren't motivation enough, you'll get to see a clip of Paul and me with our new baby Richie when he was just 3 weeks old in August.

As you know, we liked Napier, NZ so much we decided to live here, and the folks here have asked us to help promote what a great place it is to live back in our homeland. So they put us in front of a camera with bright lights that scared the heck out of little Richie, who had been a cutie pie right up until the camera started rolling. The end result is a video intro with a crying baby and two sleep-deprived looking parents, which if you ask me isn't all that enticing for their campaign, but it's worth a laugh and the video in between shows you what you're missing here in NZ and why we stayed.

To win the free trip for two of our friends, we have to have the most views of our clip on You Tube from our home country. That's where you come in. Forward this link to all your friends, post it on your web site, circulate it around your office, put it on your Facebook page, whatever will get it the most clicks possible. It looks like we're up against some stiff competition from a Russian family who already has nearly 10,000 page views, so start clicking!

Thanks and enjoy the video.
Jen, Paul and Richie

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