"Bath time is such a wonderful, bonding time for parent and child." "Babies LOVE bath time." "We would bathe our baby twice a day if we had the time, he loves it so much." "It's Dad's special time to spend with baby."
These are the sorts of things expectant parents hear about bath time. So you buy the baby bath, you get the cute little hooded cartoon character towels and organic, lavender scented bath wash sure to send your little one off to la la land.
Yeah right.
We weren't so lucky. Our little Richie screamed his way through his first bath in hospital and continued to scream through his first few baths at home, despite Dad's valiant attempts to soothe him with serenades, swishing in the water and general cooing. But with persistence we've now got Richie to the point where he actually seems to enjoy being in the bath with dad and doesn't scream (he does pee and occasionally spit up though, which to my mind defeats the whole purpose of bathing him to get the pee and spit up off him). Getting in and out of the bath, however is another story. He screams when we take his clothes off and then screams when we put his adorable nightgown and cap on. His screaming face in that outfit reminds us of several possible movie and cartoon lines like, "Dad, but I don't want to be an elf!"
Hopefully his tune will change once the weather warms up and the cold pre and post-bath air isn't such a shock to his system. Props to Dad for his persistence though. BTW, today is Father's Day in New Zealand, which is celebrated on the first Sunday in September, although Mother's Day is celebrated in May as in the U.S.
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