It's election time here in NZ too. With a general election scheduled for the first week of Nov., the Green party has launched a campaign with pictures of children enjoying nature with the words "Vote for me" above them. It's proving quite effective. While the two main political parties here are the National (conservative) and Labour (slightly more liberal and the party of Helen Clark who has been prime minister for the last 8 years), the leader of the Green party was recently voted the most trusted politician in NZ. The Greens has a very loyal following here and are key to the coalition-building process in parliament. It's a nice change from the dominant two-party system in the US.
Paul and I were surprised to find that as permanent residents of NZ we are also entitled to vote so that means we will be voting in two national elections next month. In fact, we've already voted and mailed off our US absentee ballots!
Meanwhile, spring is in the air here and we've discovered that green really is Richie's color. He looks quite handsome in his green and brown jumpsuit with adorable "Mommy's little guy" bib that Grandma sent. And no, I didn't plan us to have matching outfits. It just happened one day.
The garden is already producing lots of tasty greens, and here's Paul with his little helper picking some for lunch. Richie now has a collection of sun hats to protect him from the harsh NZ sun (we are the lucky ones who are under the hole in the ozone layer so the rays are much more intense here than in other parts of the world). Now how's that for many variations on a green theme?
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