Monday, October 26, 2009

Does oatmeal count as a finger food?

We've really been trying to encourage Richie to use a spoon on his own and while he's getting pretty good at it, sometimes he must feel that it just slows him down too much. So he dives into even the mushiest foods with his fingers in an effort to get it in his mouth faster. And yet he still holds onto the spoon as a token gesture.

Friday, October 9, 2009

More adventures in eating

Mmm, Thai peanut noodles and pork mini meatballs! What's not to like, it's got peanut butter in it, it's noodles and it's very messy!

What's this? Dessert after dinner? Unprecedented!

Oh my, rhubarb crumble is a little bit tart!

But it like it! More please!

Time for a better laundry basket

Until now the lightweight red mesh laundry basket had been ideal for Richie's room. That is until he discovered it makes an awesome costume once completely emptied of its contents.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mouse Catcher

Richie has always been fascinated by the cat, but now that he's mobile they are beginning to regard each other as playmates. The cat will walk up to him and rub up against him just like he does to us (in hopes of getting food, no doubt). And Richie desperately wants the cat to play with him. If the cat is lying on the floor, Richie will start bringing all his toys over to him and placing them beside him, much to Banderas' amusement. But his favorite game is to pick up the cat's toy mouse (always by the tail, as if he knows what it is) and dangle it in front of him. The cat isn't quite as interested in this but sometimes gives in and takes a swat at the toy. Very cute.