No, Richie hasn't been slumming it. Tramping is hiking in Kiwi-speak. We bought this neat baby carrier backpack when we were in the US and have been meaning to try it out for ages. We finally did last weekend for a short 1 hour hike at Tutira Falls Reserve. It's about a 20 minute drive north from our house, and the wooded path goes along a lovely stream with little waterfalls and rapids. We thought Richie might not like being cooped up in the pack but he seemed to enjoy the changing scenery. It only takes about 20 minutes of walking before you get the big payoff with this lovely waterfall and swimming hole (mental note: must go here on a hot summer day for a swim!). He didn't seem all that impressed with the waterfall but really liked the falling leaves and picnic hut where we had lunch.
p.s. My apologies for the sporadic posts this week but all of a sudden Richie is going through some sort of separation anxiety, which makes Mommy's life a bit exhausting. The good news is that he's finally saying Mama. The bad news is that it is in the form of "maaaaaMAAAAA, sniff, sniff, maaaaaMAAAAA!" Not exactly what I had been hoping for.