...to bring you a sure sign of Kiwi spring: strawberries! This is truly one of the great things about where we live in NZ. Hawke's Bay is known as the fruit bowl of NZ and starting in October we'll be in strawberry season through April! I got these two big crates of strawberries for $10NZ. That's about $6US and is equivalent to about 8 pints! I could have gotten them even cheaper if I picked them myself from one of the many pick your own places here but I was pressed for time.
Next will be raspberries, then blueberries, boysenberries, blackberries... and that's just the summer berries. We should be seeing the first apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums and other stone fruit soon.
Did someone say crumble? I have become the master of the fruit crumble since moving here. A good portion of these were soon mixed with some rhubarb that one of Paul's patients gave him for a yummy strawberry-rhubarb crumble.